You will never hear a man say that he needs to be cherished.

The desire to be cherished is a female quality. What does it mean to be truly cherished by someone? I’m working with a client on the Coaching NeedLess Program and one of her needs is to be cherished. Now, her conflict is that you can’t make someone cherish you, so it feels foolish to her to have that need. Yet, the need is there, and it is real.

You will never hear a man say that he needs to be cherished.  Women have an innate need to feel cherished, even though most won’t admit it. The reason we don’t admit it is because it seems silly. However, it only seems silly to those who may not feel they are worthy of being cherished, they don’t feel special.

Because feeling cherished is a need that’s in our blood, if we ignore it, and don’t get that need met, we will often take out our anxiety on others, those we love. We'll find a reason to start blaming them for something, anything.  I tell women that being cherished is just a higher form of respect. Once you learn that you are worthy of having another’s respect, then you can begin to allow yourself to be cherished.

Being cherished means setting and gracefully upholding certain boundaries. It means you don’t allow people to treat you a certain way that is disrespectful or unpleasant. It means you love yourself so much, that you can allow others to love you even more. That’s what it means to be truly cherished.

No, you can’t make someone cherish you, but you can learn to love, nurture and respect yourself so much that people will want to be around you, they will want some of that energy, that glow, they will begin to cherish who you are and want to honor you, love you and protect you.

Do the work on cherishing yourself and watch how the universe will begin to shift the energy of the circle within which you move.  Life is grand – enjoy it.

Copyright 2011 Coach Wanda Marie, Personal Empowerment & Business Development  Coach & Consultant for Women.   

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