Face Book – For Neworking. Click on Lists to see ongoing conversations, and jump in!
Twitter – For Staying Connected (following people)
MySpace – For Family & Friends
NIG to create your own network group for your industry.
PING.FM to update all your social medial networks.
1. BRAND YOURSELF FIRST. Target your niche. Become a Thought Leader for them. What are you passionate about?
2. LISTEN to what your niche is saying out there. What are the main problems.
3. YOUR SOCIAL CURRENCY. What do you know that others may not know. ROI = Return on Influence. There are UBS and NODES Clusters. Look for HUBS, they have the most followers.
4. GIVE EXTREME VALUE to open up conversation. Attract business rather than advertising.
5. Note: Fortune 500 companies spent 30% on free content and they are moving to 50%.
6. Create a time schedule, one hour per day to do your promotions on social media sites.
7. For Blogs, put your name in front of your blog name for web search optimization.
8. Wolfframalfra.com for Google statistics. Complete.com for tracking.
9. Use Google PR Tracker to track people’s website rankings (1 to 10).
10. Check out http://www.smattersocialmedia.com/; and LinkedintoMarketing.com.
- Click on Lists to see ongoing conversations, and jump in!
- You can put a business profile on Facebook, but you can have a “page.” Use as a squeeze page and give free strategy sessions.
- Headline must be value added.
- Twitter can be updated through Outlook.
- List vocabulary terms for your niche.
- Do 1 to 3 minute videos on each vocabulary term and post, as if talking to a beginner.
- TweetDeck to search for words, alerts, then offer your help. First thing each morning, check Tweet Deck for hot topics, then tweet on it, then check your emails.
- Search.Twitter.com
- Use At Replies, hash tags or pound sign.
- PostLater.com is about $10 per month to schedule your tweets daily, weekly, etc.
- TweetLater.com to set up a welcome message and auto follow message. Encourage those following you to sign up for a class, etc.
- Use WordPress for blogs, then tweet the content from your blog. Update blog which updates Twitter, which updates Facebook.
- Tweet content from your articles.
- Post messages with video links.
- Tweetup to find local meetings. Also try Twellow.com and localTweets.
- TweetBeep is like Google Alerts. Set alerts for yourself so you can be kept informed and respond/comment to other’s tweets:
o Your name
o Your company name
o Your book title
o Your expertise/brand
- Re-tweet any positive feedback you get.
- Follow those who follow you.
- Tweetie.com to remove people are following you that are spamers.
- Put your Tweet link in your email address signature and on your homepage, and invite people to follow you.
Check out http://www.blogtalkradio.com/, it’s free.
- Google Loves Videos, so use them to promote your business.
- Visit http://www.askmrvideo.com/ if you have questions.
- YouTube allows you to embed your video into your webpage or blog.
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