
Inner peace comes about when you are connected to the truth within.

The TRUTH is that you are whole, perfect and complete, at any given moment, and that you are always safe and secure no matter where you are or what you are doing.

You cannot arrive at that place of truth through intellect, it must be done in the realm of feelings.  You must feel safe, secure, whole, perfect and complete just as you are. 

So often we start to feel good and the mind gets in the way and starts to analyze it, and then we lose the feeling.  It takes mental discipline to maintain and stay connected to the truth.  We are born connected, we are born knowing the truth.  We are socialized into separation.  Our society encourages fear and separation because within our humanity we don=t know the truth, we don=t know our oneness with all that is, so we feel separate from each other, separate from that part of ourselves that knows the truth.

Many people are afraid to know the truth because the truth carries with it a great deal of responsibility and therefore we resist being connected.  Once you know that you are whole, perfect and complete, you then have to live up to that.  You have to put aside your reasons for not being great, for not being successful, for not being peaceful.  We all live up to our truth to the degree we accept our wholeness.  It is to that degree that we express it and demonstrate it in our lives.

Ask to feel your truth. Be willing to touch your truth. Being in truth may seem vulnerable and many people don=t realize the power within vulnerability.  Be willing to be naked in your truth and feel it fully.  You will feel more empowered, more confident, and more connected when you learn to live your truth.

People who have found their truth are those who are clear about who they are and about their boundaries.  No matter what you may offer them, no matter how good it sounds, if it is not in alignment with who they are, their inner truth, they don=t waste their time trying to appease others.  They are authentic. They not only know their truth, but have given themselves permission to live it.  This brings about for them a great sense of inner peace and well being.

Human Evolution:
S        We are born connected, knowing the truth.
S        Through society, as we grow we learn various degrees of separation.
S        Feeling unfulfilled in life, we eventually begin searching for truth outside of ourselves as we are trained by society to look for answers outside of ourselves.
S        We become wiser on our quest and eventually discover that the truth lies within.
S        As we become more comfortable with discovering our own inner truth, we start giving ourselves permission to follow our hearts, to live our truth.
S        And our lives begin to transform, unfolding with a greater sense of grace, inner peace and balance in our all areas of our lives.

Is there anything more closely connected with wisdom than truth? (Plato)

The Power of Oneness

The opposite of connectedness is separation.  All of our pain and problems in life stem from a sense of separation.  Separation from whatever we call God, separation from others, separation from our higher selves.  As we were born with a sense of connectedness, it is within our nature to want to belong, to want to feel connected.

As we evolve from separation back to truth, we first have to be willing to connect with the truth within, and then we can become one with it, embrace it and eventually begin to integrate that truth into our everyday lives.  This is where we get to experience inner peace.

As we connect with the truth within, we begin to realize that our truth is the truth of every living being and that we are all united, we are all bound together by a universal truth so profound that the mind could never fully comprehend it. We are indeed one with all that exists.  And, it is within our awareness of this oneness that we can know our true power, the power to create the lives we desire, the power to stay centered when things seem to get out of hand, the power to choose inner peace regardless of circumstance.  We have the power to heal our lives, but we must first know that we are connected to something much larger than our pain or our problems, and then it is to know that not only is there a connection, but we are one with that which is larger than life itself.  It is from this knowingness that the separation is healed and we transcend the pain and move forward.
A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. (Albert Einstein)

Jesus said "The Father and I are one" YY "The kingdom of heaven is within."  Imagine the degree of power that lies within you if indeed heaven is within you.  Imagine what we as humanity could accomplish if we all really knew that heaven was within.  Imagine the inner peace we would all be experiencing.

It=s time to use the tools (Prayer, Meditation, Affirmation, Visualization) to get connected and to experience the power of oneness that lies within you.  It=s time to allow your connectedness to be expressed in your life as inner peace and personal freedom.

Our Life Coaches are here to help, to schedule a session send an email to 

Frequently consider the connection of all things in the universe. (Marcus Aurelius)

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